Monday, July 18, 2011


Don't we all say "that was the best cake" or "steak" or whatever and it is just a figure of speech?  Well I have actually made the Best Ever Blueberry Muffins.  I've tried making Blueberry Muffins several times with fresh blueberries, but I was always disappointed.  This time I have done it.  They are light, not too sweet, and lots of fresh sweet blueberries in every bite.  I can't decide whether to hoard the recipe or SELL it.  Unfortunately I could only sell it if I gave away samples and I don't know about giving away even bites of these muffins.  If I ever make them for you, you can feel truly loved.

It also feels good to have accomplished something when it is too hot to even fix a cold drink!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Heat, Heat, Whine, Whine

I really dislike whiners but the heat this summer is turning me into one.  It seems to be the ruling force in my life these days.  Can I get by without running that errand, going to the grocery store?  Can I put off the haircut a few more days?  Will it EVER rain?  If it does I may dance in the rain!

I did have a moment of almost giggling this morning.  I had a message from a dear friend who said his life was amazing this year.  What a delightful thing to hear.  I think this calls for a visit to hear all the details.  How long has it been since you heard someone say "My life is awesome"?  Don't you wish we would all say that more often.  I think I may try it even if it only regards today and I have to stretch a little bit.  It would be worth it if it made someone else smile and consider the possibilities for their own life.  Let's all try it once and see how it makes you feel.  Maybe it will become a habit and spread smiles everywhere.  Just imagine!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

What in the World?

I know that summer in the South  makes us believe in Hell.  If it is hotter than this, I really do not want to go there!  In May we had death and destruction from tornadoes and  floods.  Now in the first week of June the temperature is near 100 and the heat index is even hotter.  Orange ozone warnings are out in cities!  It does not bode well for the rest of summer.  I remember the year our neighborhood pool had to put ice blocks in the water to cool it off so that kids could swim.  We may be headed for another one like that.  Personally I need to stay indoors until October and thank God daily for air conditioning.

Watermelon save us.  One of the few blessings of summer.  I am ready for the first one of the year.  Eating is an indoor sport for me.  No picnics.

Oh, don't forget the incessant sound of trillions of cicadas.  Summer in the south.  I am waiting for winter.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Fun Day

I have said for years that I would never move another child into a dorm.  It is always hot, too much work, and exhaustion at the end of the day.  Never mind my aching back.  Well I had to eat those words this week when I helped moved my youngest grandson out of his dorm at Ole Miss.  It was Not too hot, Not too many trips, (thanks to his room mate), and Not too exhausting.  To give him credit, he was ALL packed when we got there.  Not nearly as much STUFF as girls always have and it was actually a fun day.

Once again I get to brag.  He finished his freshman year with good grades, good friends, and he got involved in lots of activities.  What more can you ask for from a freshman college student.

Congratulations to Sarah as well for graduating with honors from Mississippi State and her acceptance to grad school at Georgia Tech.  And to Bradley for a Masters in Engineering from Mississippi State and his acceptance to Georgia Tech.

Can you tell that this is a day when I am counting my blessings!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Proud to be Me

It has been too long since I have posted anything here.  I have experienced a real sense of pride today thinking about my grandsons.  My daughter was telling me about bragging on both of them to someone and it made me realize just how great it has been to share their lives and watch them grow. To see them choose which teachings along the way they have chosen to make a part of their way of life.  To see the things they have chosen to hold close to their hearts.  To see integrity be so important to both of them.  It makes me proud to be their grandmother.  And I admit that I have bragged on them always until friends and co-workers probably knew more that they wanted to.  So I thank every one who has listened to me brag on my boys.  I will continue to share how proud of them I am every day for things that they have accomplished.  And for who they are.  I know every grandparent feels the same way, but I just wanted to say how much my children and grandchildren  make me proud to be me.

Til next time, hug a child you love.  If you can't reach out and touch them, just say a prayer of thanks for them.  That's what I will do.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The People of Japan Are Suffering

I  know that everyone has seen the terrible images from Japan.  It makes me so grateful that all of my family is safe.  I really have worried about a story that has not really been covered, and that is "where are the children"?  There have been no children in sight.  They were all at school or in daycare while their parents were working.  Very few had time to get to their children before the tsunami came.  So many are hurting from losses of family, their homes, and their jobs.  We have always thought of Japan as a rich country but they do need the world's help now.

I will observe the Bloggers Day of Silence on Friday, March 18.  I will pray for the people of Japan.

The People of Japan Are Suffering


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Tomorrow may be a life-changing day for Dale and me.  We begin marketing our jewelry.  We've had so many delays while we worked out little obstructions that came our way.  Now we are READY!

I have really enjoyed designing jewelry, it satisfies my creative side.  Now if it will just be a financial success then we can really enjoy what we are doing.  Will let everybody know how it goes in a few days!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My World Today

My world is split between beauty and fun and the news of the world.  I have been filling my days with jewelry design, using natural stones, and wonders from our earth.  Today I am dipping Cake Balls in sweet flavored chocolates.  Then there is the world I live in, The South.

I am proud to be from the South -where tea is sweet, accents are sweet; summer starts in April, front porches are wide and words are long ; macaroni and cheese is a vegetable, pecan pie is a staple, Y'all is the only proper pronoun ; chicken is fried , biscuits come w/ gravy ; everything is darling and someone is always getting their heart blessed. Have a good day y'all & bless your hearts!  copied

Then I feel obligated to turn on the news (I am a reformed news junky!).  Death and discord in the Middle East, high gas prices, and Charlie Sheen.  Luckily we seem to be getting a short break from Lindsey Lohan.  I have a suggestion to solve some of the worlds ills.  Send Charlie to the Middle East.  With his "fists of iron", "tiger blood", and "superior brain" he can deal with the dictators in that part of the world.  By the time the deed is done he will dissolve into a puddle of Jello and we should be able to deal with that!

Then I can get back to my world of creativity, front porches and blessing hearts!  That is my thought for today!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

Just a brief note!  Since football season ended I have been thinking "what now".  Today I remember what now.  It is a beautiful, warm, sunny day and the Daytona 500 is on tv.  Between my favorites Dale Jr. and Tony Stewart, I expect a fun day.  I know lots of people think only rednecks watch Nascar, but I am NOT a redneck!  Gotta go.  They have started their engines! Bye!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Confusion Reigns

I love making decisions!  It's not hard for me but changing my mind often follows.  So for now I am going to try my hand at jewelry design.  I have tried it and love it for now.  I've played with all my daughter's  jewels and helped pick out more.  So I have business cards, a title and I provide cheap labor for her.  We have been developing a web site which will be activated soon.  I am excited about making very trendy but one of a kind pieces of jewelry.  We will see how this works out.  I still have quite a few pieces of furniture (from another decision I made) in the garage waiting for me to paint them.

I am still going to be developing new flavors of Cake Balls.  My youngest grandson will not let me quit making these.  If you find them for sale at local bakeries, don't complain about the price.  I have seen them for $17-27 per dozen.  Let me tell you that they are very expensive to make and take tons of time.  He absolutely loves them so I will keep playing with this.

My daughter has a bichon with a huge vocabulary understanding.  She understands about things like "tomorrow" and  "go clean off your dirty feet", and "hide it Katie".  Yesterday we had 40 mph winds blowing leaves in the house every time we opened the door to let all the dogs in or out.  I said to the dogs "when you go out take some of these leaves with you".  Poor Katie stood there looking at me and at the leaves trying to decide how to do what I asked!  It was very funny!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine's Day for One

Anyone without a sweetheart could really feel left out on Valentin's Day.  I think most probably try to ignore it, but that is really difficult with the world covered in pink and red.  Don't get me wrong, those are two of my favorite colors.  I heard on TV yesterday that you can treat yourself for Valentine's Day.  I think that is a great idea. I have been doing that for years.  Also Christmas and Birthdays!  Buy yourself some favorite chocolate, a bunch of flowers from the grocery store, and get a manicure.  Then just enjoy the weekend and feel special!  You could even add a bottle of wine to your gift list.  What a nice way to spend a holiday.

My Cake Balls seem to be a success.  They all arrived in the mail without being destroyed (that's another story) and my grandsons thought I was a magician.  Morgan said getting a German Chocolate Cake in a ball of chocolate was magic.  Maybe that is what makes them special.

The packaging mentioned above was engineered by my son-in-law.  It involved platters, bottoms of cookie cans, foam plates, stretch and seal, and pool noodles.  You would have to see it to believe it.  I have a very talented family.

Hope every one has a good Valentine's Day!  See you next time!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Frustrated Can One Person Be?

After the Super Bowl and two snow events it is time to get back to business.  Last week I spent an hour one day trying to get an upgrade on my AT&T phone.  With a new phone on the way I watched for FedEx for 2 days.  No luck so I called AT&T again.  Forty five minutes later my phone was on the way.  It arrived and guess what?  I have no signal.  None, nada, not even 1 bar.  So tomorrow I will be battling AT&T again.  Wish me luck but don't try to call me!

I am still exploring my options but I am not sure about Cake Balls.  After making 20 dozen I don't see this as an occupation.  They were fun but they require a lot of dishwashing.  I would never apply for a dishwashing job so why would I take on one voluntarily.  BIG bowls and lots of them, baking pans, and cookie sheets.  Double boilers and melted dipping chocolate everywhere.  I think I will keep looking for my new specialty.

With a new snow storm on the way tomorrow I am looking forward to being snowed in with no deadlines to worry about.  Taxes are done, Valentines are in the mail.  I think I will read a good book and watch the snow fall.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Have Some Explaining To Do!

More than a Nana doesn't mean that being a grandmother is less than wonderful  It's just that when your grandchildren have the audacity to grow up and go away to college you have a lot of extra time on your hands.  With no job to define me I am left with grandmother being my only identity.  I really think I need to be more than that.  I've always been good at multi-tasking so now I feel lonely with only a very part-time way to contribute to the world.  Now that I have made that clear I will move on .

I had some thoughts today on being grateful.  Most of us hate taxes!  Thinking about doing our taxes, paying taxes, even others spending our tax money.  Well, what if you didn't have to pay taxes?  What if April 15th just didn't apply to you?  Wait a minute now.  Not such a happy thing if you didn't make enough money last year to have to file taxes or pay taxes!  I decided that I might should be grateful for the need to file my tax forms again this year!  Makes you think doesn't it?

I have been very busy today so I have had no time to spend researching what comes next for me in this life.  I am still open to suggestions so
send my blog address to anyone you think might be helpful to me.  Or even who might enjoy laughing at my attempt to find a new identity.

It's not too late today to find something to be grateful for in your own life or to wonder about your own journey.  Unless you are a parent with children at home.  Then you get no options or choices for a few more years.  Take care and have fun!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Beginning

This blog is an experiment.  I could have just as easily started a journal, but I am hoping for some feedback to jumpstart my search.  I have spent months trying to decide what to do with myself- -maybe become a crafter?  Start a business?  Find a job?  They all have their pros and cons.  I have played with my daughters business on Etsy and think it is perfect for her.  However, when I think of something I would enjoy making to sell on Etsy, I find there are already 100,000 of then available.  I had a great time  last weekend making Cake balls.  And they were wonderful cake balls.  Unfortunately I have no idea where to sell them so they are becoming Valentines for my family members.  I love making throw pillows and they are exceptionally pretty, but Etsy is full of them.  Same thing with little girls dresses.  Same thing with great looking aprons.  As you can see this is the mystery I mentioned in my profile.  I hope you enjoy taking this journey with me and I hope it has a fun ending.