It has been too long since I have posted anything here. I have experienced a real sense of pride today thinking about my grandsons. My daughter was telling me about bragging on both of them to someone and it made me realize just how great it has been to share their lives and watch them grow. To see them choose which teachings along the way they have chosen to make a part of their way of life. To see the things they have chosen to hold close to their hearts. To see integrity be so important to both of them. It makes me proud to be their grandmother. And I admit that I have bragged on them always until friends and co-workers probably knew more that they wanted to. So I thank every one who has listened to me brag on my boys. I will continue to share how proud of them I am every day for things that they have accomplished. And for who they are. I know every grandparent feels the same way, but I just wanted to say how much my children and grandchildren make me proud to be me.
Til next time, hug a child you love. If you can't reach out and touch them, just say a prayer of thanks for them. That's what I will do.
You are welcome to come down, get some Bop's, and give me a hug anytime. :)