Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Frustrated Can One Person Be?

After the Super Bowl and two snow events it is time to get back to business.  Last week I spent an hour one day trying to get an upgrade on my AT&T phone.  With a new phone on the way I watched for FedEx for 2 days.  No luck so I called AT&T again.  Forty five minutes later my phone was on the way.  It arrived and guess what?  I have no signal.  None, nada, not even 1 bar.  So tomorrow I will be battling AT&T again.  Wish me luck but don't try to call me!

I am still exploring my options but I am not sure about Cake Balls.  After making 20 dozen I don't see this as an occupation.  They were fun but they require a lot of dishwashing.  I would never apply for a dishwashing job so why would I take on one voluntarily.  BIG bowls and lots of them, baking pans, and cookie sheets.  Double boilers and melted dipping chocolate everywhere.  I think I will keep looking for my new specialty.

With a new snow storm on the way tomorrow I am looking forward to being snowed in with no deadlines to worry about.  Taxes are done, Valentines are in the mail.  I think I will read a good book and watch the snow fall.


  1. That sounds like a great plan!

  2. Some times we get so busy trying to live life that we forget to live life...gotta take those quiet peaceful moments...its important.
